Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Host with the Most

Well, folks, it's been awhile but BOY do I have a story to tell you . . .

A couple of weeks ago I got wind of a plan to have me and my buddy Murray host the relatives. That would be Luna and Cori, whose folks were going on vacation. They talked with Mom and Dad and decided that it would be fun to have a dog vacation right here at my house. What fun!

(That's Cori's tail to the left, with Murray following.)

So Cori and Luna arrived, along with their leashes, a big plastic food container, a measuring cup and a small bottle of pills for Cori's thyroid condition. (They travel light--no beds, no bowls, no toys, and nothing to do . . . apparently they were told that we provide EVERYTHING for a good vacation here at my house.)

Once they arrived, Murray and I greeted them with lots of sniffs and tail wags and out the door we went. Our fenced backyard is a great place to greet visitors, with plenty of room to race uphill and down, play in the woods, and run races around the tree. Zoom--across the deck we'd go. Then zoom--back again and around and around. Murray's kind of slowing down now that he's 15, but even he took a few laps with the pack.

After some playtime, it became apparent that everyone needed a nap. Some of us laid in the sunshine. And some of us preferred the couch. Or a recliner. Or the rug in front of the TV. Whatever we wanted. My parents are all for good dog times.

Luna, however, has some annoying habits. She whines. She hops over the gate and runs upstairs, then insists she absolutely cannot hop over the gate in the opposite direction, but has to have someone lift her over. She does this thing called "playing with her food", and then dives head first into the catfood instead. And she sleeps in my parents' room when she visits. She's such a . . . GIRL!

And Cori? Cori's a guy. He DIGS! Boy, did he do a number on the yard--but it was all because of the Next Door Chihuahua. We hate that little guy, and we're not really sure he's a dog. Anyway, Cori decided to show him. One day we were out barking through the fence and Next Door Chihuahua is yapping his fool head off. Cori takes off digging under the fence, paws flying and dirt coming out like he's going to China. My boy gets in about chest deep, then looks over his shoulder to see my parents coming for him. He got hauled into the house and lectured. (Apparently the neighbor had CALLED them to ask if they had seen what Cori was doing, and could they PLEASE make him stop.) Kind of like a prison break! Oh, Cori, it was fun while it lasted . . . and you got away with it twice more during your time here. (Ha, ha.) Mom and Dad had to go buy big bags of rocks and fill the holes along the fence line. I smile to myself every time I see them.

We did have lots of fun while my guests were here, and I have to say I miss them now that they're gone. I spent today napping and resting up for the next visit. I can hardly wait.